The wallpapers below are all in triple-screen format (for 3 monitors) and available in the members section at a maximum resolution of 7680x1600. FAQ & example:

Mirror's Edge: Catalyst triple screen wallpaper or background

Mirror's Edge: Catalyst

Wallpapers: 7

Star Wars - Battlefront triple screen wallpaper or background

Star Wars - Battlefront

Wallpapers: 5

Rise of the Tomb Raider triple screen wallpaper or background

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Wallpapers: 21

Fallout 4 triple screen wallpaper or background

Fallout 4

Wallpapers: 9

Dragon Age: Inquisition triple screen wallpaper or background

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Wallpapers: 10

Assassin's Creed: Unity triple screen wallpaper or background

Assassin's Creed: Unity

Wallpapers: 15

League of Legends triple screen wallpaper or background

League of Legends

Wallpapers: 153

Tomb Raider triple screen wallpaper or background

Tomb Raider

Wallpapers: 12

The Elder Scrolls Online triple screen wallpaper or background

The Elder Scrolls Online

Wallpapers: 12

Battlefield 4 triple screen wallpaper or background

Battlefield 4

Wallpapers: 3

Killzone: Shadow Fall triple screen wallpaper or background

Killzone: Shadow Fall

Wallpapers: 9

Juggernaut triple screen wallpaper or background


Wallpapers: 2

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